Copy a ConfigMgr Application DeploymentType

A small function inspired by Fred Bainbridges post on howto append an OS requirement to a deployment type. The purpose of the function is to copy the Deploymenttype within an application, but if someone feels like a spending a few hours to rewrite it to copy between different applications that could possible work aswell.


function Copy-CMAppDT {
Copy a single Deployment Type within an application
This will create a copy of a DeploymentType, with the lowest priority and the name specified
Copy-CMAppDT -appName "PingKing 2.0.0" -DeploymentType "PingKing 2.0.0" -newDTname "PingKing Updated" -siteCode P01 -siteServer CM01
This is the name of the configmgr application that has the deployment type. This accepts input from pipeline.
.PARAMETER DeploymentType
This is the name of the Deployment Type that you want to copy.
This is the name of the new DeploymentType.
This the ConfigMgr site code you are working with. Defaults to LAB
.PARAMETER siteServer
This the site server you are going to working with.  WMI calls are made to this server.  It is most likely your primary site server.
param (
$siteCode = "LAB",
$siteServer = ""
begin {
write-verbose "Import module"
import-module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1' -force #make this work for you
write-verbose "Connect to Provider and change location"
if ((get-psdrive $sitecode -erroraction SilentlyContinue | measure).Count -ne 1) {
new-psdrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider "AdminUI.PS.Provider\CMSite" -Root $SiteServer
write-verbose "Connect to the default scope"
try {
$connectionManager = New-Object Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlConnectionManager
$connectionManager.Connect($siteServer) | Out-Null
[Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.NamedObject]::DefaultScope = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.AppManFoundation.ApplicationFactory]::GetAuthoringScope($connectionManager)
catch {
throw-error "$error[0]"
write-verbose "Set location $sitecode"
set-location $sitecode`:


process {
write-verbose "Get Application $appName"
try {
$Appdt = Get-CMApplication -Name $appName
catch {
throw "Unable to get $appName - $error[0]"

$xml = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::DeserializeFromString($appdt.SDMPackageXML,$True)

$numDTS = $xml.DeploymentTypes.count
write-verbose "Number of DT: $numDTS"
$dts = $xml.DeploymentTypes

foreach ($dt in $dts)
if ($dt.title -eq $DeploymentType ) {
write-verbose "Found DT $deploymenttype"
$newDeploymentType = $dt.Copy()
write-verbose "Set new DT name $newDTname"
$newDeploymentType.Title = $newDTname

if ($newDeploymentType.GetType().name -eq 'DeploymentType') {

write-verbose "New DT created"

write-verbose "Commit to AppObject"
$UpdatedXML = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::SerializeToString($XML, $True)
$appdt.SDMPackageXML = $UpdatedXML
Set-CMApplication -InputObject $appDT
else {
write-error "No DeploymentType $newDTname located"

write-verbose "Return to c:"
set-location c: